How do Leos act when hurt?
You may wonder what may happen if they are hurt. Well, they won’t show it no matter how hurtful they are. They rather deal with that vulnerable feeling alone than bring it on the surface.
A Leo won’t allow you to see their weakness. With a big ego, they will make you feel regretted for hurting them. One thing for sure, they will never appear in your life unless they themselves change their own mind; however, it’s a very rare case.
The moment you betray or stab a Leo behind their back, they will leave you out of their lives, even if you used to be the one they love the most.
Learn more about her behavior when getting hurt below…
Table of Contents
What Leos Will Do When Hurt?

Nothing can change the fact that you have hurt the king of the zodiac.
Leos are never the type crying hard and couldn’t do anything after being cheated. You mess with them; they will stand up for themselves. The wound may sting for a while, but it will fade away as time passes. If they have been through this hurt feeling many times, their vulnerability will convert to anger in a short period.
Related: A glimpse at best match for Leo man in love
After that, they will calm their mind and think about what occurred in the past. They may rest the case and forgive you; however, Leos will never forget. Once they completely heal, they will go back to their old independent self again.
Engaging in what they like will help them recover rapidly.
It doesn’t take Leos much time to get back to the normal state. That’s what makes people hurt them draw back; the thing is that begging is useless to Leos. Don’t waste time pleading them to return because it won’t work at all.
If you are serious about apologizing them, be rigid with your intention and behave like a better person sincerely.
What Happened When Leos is Hurt?
As I told you earlier, Leos will get on their lives and enjoy every single day without you. Their pride won’t allow you to know they are feeling hurt. They will make sure to show you their ignorance towards you as well as to observe your reaction when they treat their true friends.
Don’t be surprised if Leos completely ignore your existence and forget you.
When a Leo is hurt, they will act like an abandoned child. They stay in their privacy and avoid talking to anyone. They will put all of their focus on work and daily routine in order to forget what just happened. All Leos want is empathy and kindness behavior or a few understanding taps on their shoulder. Just simple acts but they can help Leos not think about the person hurting them for a couple of time.
Although they may look tough and strong from the outside, deep inside Leo-born individuals are immature and kind-hearted. They do need to have someone by their side and give them a warm embrace when they cry their heart out.
Leos may be hurt bad, but they never have a single thought of plotting any revenge against you.
Sometimes they will test on you: if you step on their trap, then there’s no chance they forgive you. It’s not impossible to ask for their forgiveness; nevertheless, they must feel your regret, genuineness and sincerity when you apologize to them. They won’t care what you did or said unless you really mean it and feel sorry for your actions.
It’s not that Leos will always forgive you; in fact, they forgiving you or not depends on how serious the situation between you two was and how much they love, trust, and care for you.
What You Should NOT Do to Leos?
For those in relationship with a Leo, it’s necessary to know this info so that the two of you will encounter less trouble in love. Make sure you will never do one of these three things in the following; otherwise, your Leo partner will walk away from your life and never come back.
1. Betrayal
Leos are very loyal in a romantic relationship, like they invest a lot and expect the same from their half one. The moment you cheat behind her back, it’s hard for Leos to forgive or forget this mistake. They hate the feeling of being betrayed, and chances to come back with a betrayer are quite low.
2. Disloyal
Loyalty is an important thing to Leos. To those who want to be with the king of the zodiac, keep in mind that they need a loyal partner in life. Whether you are their friend or lover, you should be honest and loyal to them in any circumstance.
If there is any sign of you being disloyal to them, they will slowly pull away and ignore your existence.
3. Distrustful
Don’t break the trust they have for you, or they will break your expectations from her.
Even though Leos can’t forget, they are quick to forgive and it’s just a part of their nature. Nonetheless, once you are distrustful in a relationship with a Leo, you will literally be “dead” to them. They won’t roar at you; instead, they will ignore you and act normally as you’ve never been present in their lives.
Final Words
So, how do Leos act when hurt?
I do hope you’ve got your answer after finishing this article!
Once a Leo decides that they are so done with you, this means there’s no way of turning back. This is not that they no longer love you; well, it’s more like they force themselves to be emotionally drained and numb when you are around. They love and care about you deeply, so it’s not surprising when they behave like that after being hurt deeply.
Leos will never trust you completely after that issue, so note that before thinking of giving her pain.
Leave your comment below!
i want to thank you!i took your advice and it worked!i got my leo man back!thank you so very much!
Leo woman was a player so most of these traits weren’t true I thk she had her heart broken too many times or just isn’t into relationships anymore
What did I do to make my Twin Flame Leo woman leave me Twin Flame Virgo man
Miss her like crazy but she clearly DNT want anything to do with me for some reason I wish I knew cause if it’s true Leo’s Love Hard then our Love wld have been PHENOMENAL
Hi David,
Separation is very typical for Twin Flame relationships – as they are extremely intense, with empathy and telepathy, and usually, one of them starts running, to keep their ego-boundaries. There is not much you can do to get them back, they will come back on their own Divine Timing. Use the separation to heal your wounds and traumas and establish 5D telepathic connection with theirs and your own Higher Selves. If this is indeed the Twin Flame connection – it should jump-start your spiritual development and open your psychic and creative abilities, and understanding of your mission in this life. If there is no spiritual awakening, only longing – this might be a Catalyst connection, those will go away after a while after you learned your lessons. Give it time since TF connection is a spiritual link, and not really a romantic relationship, though it can feel like painful romance…not all TF connections lead to a physical union, but TFs are always in Union spiritually and share unconditional love.