Well this will not be your best moment, and believe me you will soon be informed!
Leo woman do not hide garbage for hoe ever, she simple stops being nice to you and loving you more over she gives up the whole thing. Things are even stronger when a Leo woman gets hurt as they will simply dump you if you play with their pride and there is no interest anymore.
Not all react on the same way because others will stay around a little bit longer while trying to further investigate the situation, and see if there are possibilities for changes on you’re side or not.
You can trust me – if she ever get the feeling of “Yeah, I’m done here” then be sure you will be the first to know it. It is no habit of Leo women to giving time for anyone’s mistakes.
Table of Contents
When a Leo Woman Loses Interest…

Does it mean she is cheating on you?
In the most cases, she will act coldly to you.

Mostly in daily conversation you will see or hear that she is being with somebody else. In others words you can ask your self if she is cheating you, and she do not like to go further along with you that without a admirer.
It can be that you are the reason for such behavior of your Leo women, there for it might now to soon to have any reaction.
So try to figures out why it came so fare, give your self some little time more, be honest what has working and what has not working in your situation now.
Consider what Leo woman wants in a man, what are her good points and what about her bad points!
After that time of self evaluation, you will have a better idea first of what you want of this ongoing relation, and what in the situation know can work for you. If you are in facts falling for Leo woman, and there are to many negative points in your existing relationship, well know that there are plenty Leo women out there.
Yes go and dating Leo woman!
And know further that you can find them wherever where is good life, glamour and romance.
Signs a Leo Woman is Not Interested
What are signs a Leo woman may not like you?
In the daily habits that where become common between you two, that must be a worried signal. We all are the same, as you living 24/7 with someone you create unconsciously common habits together different of before.
As I’m a Leo woman and I stop caring someone if I am done and lose interest in them.
Furthermore I will act very indifferent if he get angry for that reason and start to yelling at my, and I don’t show any emotions during that act. In fact I’m not longer concerning if you are mad and what your madness is about.
I will follow the case that by doing things what I know you don’t want me to do you, all that because I don’t care anymore and I just want to do what I like.
The only question what I’m interesting in, is when a Leo woman leaves you, exact answer I have not but I know she will leave me, that depending of the pressure I will put.
How to Love a Leo: Some Practical Tips!
Attracting a Leo woman is not as hard as you may think!
But, how to love a Leo is a good question and very difficult to answer because it is very complex. Most of Leo women spend a lot of money, time and energy to make sure that they looking well and they like to have their appearance favorably acknowledged.
First you musty start to win the Leo woman’s heart and that you can do on the 5 following points:
- Complimenting her a lot
- Don’t miss to inform her about your success and strengths
- Gif her the occasion to take the lead in different matters
- Don’t create occasions that she become jealous
- She like gifts
Get a glimpse into signs a Leo woman likes you!
Leo Best Match for Marriage – Our Conclusion!
Who can make the best love match for marriage with Leo?
According to traditional astrologers, Leo is the best match with these zodiac signs: Aries, Leo, Gemini, Sagittarius and Libra. On the other hand, Leo has the worst match with Taurus, Scorpio, Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces and Aquarius.
If you want to know the most compatible zodiac signs with Leo, that are Aries, Libra, Gemini and Sagittarius; meanwhile, Leo is the least compatible Taurus and Scorpio.
If we look over the marriage and divorce statistics keeping by the most cities we see a whole other result.
The reason for that we will inform you with in a other future post.
As you can see above our writer has done his best to inform you well and detailed about the matter of this post. We hope further that all our visitors have well understand what is written and in case there are still dark points well that is not a problem.
Just go here under and put your query in the comment box.
If you do that you can be sure that with-in the 48h we will come back with your answer.
Anyway we hope that you have found what you was looking for.
This article is a great read and I am a fellow lioness, I agree with a lot of what you’ve said. Though there are grammatical errors and it took away some valid points because I had to make sense of it, it’s still a great article and thank you for it, it made me laugh at myself based on how true on some lol
My leo female saids im coming on too strong! I really like her! She textes me good morning! But i wont hear from her till next day! She speaks very little! We met had lunch ! Is she even interested? Do i stand the chance? She keeps teasing me! Wat to do now? Lol
Hi Shey,
Leo women are hard to read. The more you try to catch them, the more they will run!
The key is to not run after them. Shower them with praises,and compliments. Of course, with all sincerity as Leos knows when it’s sincere. Then keep the space. Don’t drown them with your presence. Let them guess. Make it like a chase, like a cat and mouse game. But don’t keep them guessing for too long. Once you got their attention, make it obvious for them to know that you like them.
Give them lots of attention and admiration. They would love you for it.
If you show any weakness or seems to be a push over! She will loose interest!